SUSTAIN IIIĀ® CATTLE BOLUS (sulfamethazine) Tablets-Boluses-Capsules. Each bolus contains 495 grains (32.1 g) sulfamethazine in a

sustained release baseIndications: SUSTAIN IIIĀ® Boluses are indicated for the treatment of the following diseases when caused by

one or more of the following pathogenic organisms sensitive to sulfamethazine: Bacterial Pneumonia and Bovine Respiratory Disease

Complex (Shipping Fever Complex) (Pasteurella spp.), Colibacillosis (Bacterial Scours) (E. coli), Necrotic pododermatitis (Foot

rot), Calf Diphtheria (Fusobacterium necrophorum), Acute Metritis (Streptococcus spp.). Available in 10 ct, 50 ct & 100 ct sizes.